Tarika Ayurvedic Night oil for face (saffron) 30ml | Improves Skin Tone, Texture for a Smooth and Blemish Free Skin | Anti-ageing | Helps Offset Early Wrinkles


A 100% herbal beauty oil, formulated according to the ancient Indian recipes, known to have been used by the royal women of India for the upkeep of their beauty. The oil is enriched with extracts of chosen herbs to nourish the facial skin, keep it healthy, smooth, and to prevent early ageing. Regular application of this oil at daytime or at night for about 4 weeks gives the face a natural youthful glow. Tarika Night Oil is soft, gentle and non greasy and gets easily absorbed by the skin.

Tarika Ayurvedic Night oil for face (saffron) 30ml | Improves Skin Tone, Texture for a Smooth and Blemish Free Skin | Anti-ageing | Helps Offset Early Wrinkles